
Team and Leadership Development

What We Do


An organization's ability to build, lead, and nurture teams that are high-performing and culturally diverse is critical to its competitiveness and long-term success. A prerequisite for any high-performing team is strong leadership by those who can effectively lead, coach, empower, and create inclusive cultures in our increasingly diverse workforce. As more work today is performed in multi-functional, geographically dispersed teams, we recognize the importance of strengthening leadership skills in concert with individual and team competencies.

Our team and leadership development offerings are designed to uncover the brilliance within your organization through group learning programs and skill-building workshops that build critical competencies for success, whatever the presenting needs and goals. Our team and leadership development capabilities are designed to support your talent development initiatives in several areas:

  • Elevating performance competencies at the individual, team and organizational level

  • Strengthening existing team functionality and agility

  • Addressing performance gaps

  • Assimilating a new team on a high profile, high-impact project

  • Enabling organizational transformation

  • Guiding and rallying team(s) through significant change

  • Improving retention or engagement


The Journey

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Closing The Gap – Development Focus

By assessing where an organization or individual team is today, we can help define the skills and competencies needed to attain your goals, leveraging client data and/or JLPA's recommended assessments as needed as part of this process.

All JLPA programs are custom configured to account for the unique business, cultural, and end goal needs of our clients. To accelerate the development and delivery of high-quality programs that yield cost-effective results, we draw from our extensive library of proprietary content, consisting of 45+ topics that collectively build four behavioral competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social management). Examples of our work include: 

  • Improving high-performance teaming

  • Strengthening accountability, alignment, and commitment

  • Leading change and building responsiveness, readiness, and resilience

  • Managing conflict and change

  • Strengthening interpersonal skills, communication, and social intelligence

  • Improving priority management and delegation

  • Developing critical thinking and managing performance

  • Building problem-solving and decision-making capabilities

  • Increasing innovation and creativity

Defining the Destination – Business Drivers

Our approach is to begin by understanding your business and performance goals. This process includes clarifying and confirming your learning needs, budget, and timeline.

We partner collaboratively with our clients to identify and define their current situations, including challenges and deficits that may be limiting goal attainment.

  • What does success look like?

  • What needs to be accomplished?

  • What is the destination?

  • What is the ROI?

Mapping the Journey – Program Design

JLPA takes an innovative, pragmatic, and holistic approach to learning delivery, recognizing that professionals and leaders learn best in a facilitated environment that provides:

  • Clear linkages to "what's in it for me" (WIIFM)

  • Content that is strongly relevant to the participants' experiences

  • Immediately useful and applicable tools

  • A high level of learning autonomy—e.g., the leader chooses how to complete an activity, solve a case study, tell a story, etc

  • Activities for both personal learning (reflection, self-assessments, etc.) and inter-personal learning (cohort, team activities, group case studies, etc.)

  • A blended, multi-modal learning approach with activities for all learning styles, including learning reinforcement activities

  • A learning climate that is candid, engaging, and offers the leaders freedom to experiment and practice learning

  • An experience that is integrally linked to the goals of the organization

Measure success – targeted outcomes

Whether we are delivering a lunch & learn seminar, a more in-depth workshop, or a comprehensive leadership development program, our goal is to close knowledge and skill gaps, strengthen behaviors and competencies, and accelerate the journeys of your leaders and their teams. We aim for immediate, positive feedback and longer-term results, examples of which include:  

  • New insights and changed behaviors

  • Expanded and improved relationships

  • Quicker, bolder results

  • Strengthened performance and productivity

  • Improved confidence, boldness

  • Clearer vision and strategy

  • More effective communication

  • A return on your investment!


Post Learning Reinforcement

At JLPA, we recognize the importance of practice to master new skills and reinforce learning. To strengthen, support, and prepare for learning, participants engage in pre-learning exercises and activities. They also leave our sessions armed with job aids and workbook materials that enable learning reinforcement. This includes information, tools, techniques, and models that facilitate ongoing practice and skill development.  

We recommend including post-workshop activities in our program design, offering the opportunity to not only reinforce skills but also to provide safe conditions in which to practice and receive feedback and support. Post-session learning can consist of cohort learning, coaching, facilitator lead teleconferences, etc. For example, a small group of participants can meet via a 30-minute teleconference to discuss "what's working" and "what's not working well" to receive additional feedback, support, and additional tools.

Because we recognize the critical importance of learning reinforcement from the 'top-down,' leaders are offered ideas, suggestions, and tips throughout the workshop on post-session activities that can reinforce learning and strengthen outcomes. 


Team and Leadership Development Results