
Team and Leadership Development Results


Measuring Journey Results

JLPA frames and gauges the quality of our programs using Kirkpatrick's 4-level learning evaluation framework:

  • Levels 1 and 2 (Reaction and Learning) are simple, inexpensive, and included as a written evaluation tool as part of each workshop. Participants are also asked to identify how the workshop tools and concepts apply directly to their roles and the actions to which they will commit. Within 1-2 business days of the session, clients receive an aggregated summary report of participant evaluations and feedback, which is reviewed during a post-event client debrief.

  • Levels 3 and 4 (Behavior and Results) require an organizational commitment to upfront design. This includes generating or defining baseline metrics and gathering and evaluating data at agreed program intervals, depending on the engagement goals and duration.

If desired, JLPA will work with you to define the level of measurement, and identify the metrics to be collected, monitored, and analyzed post-workshop and over time.


Because of the partnership journey with our clients that includes a laser focus on needs, the provision of content that is high quality and learner-centered, and the selection of expert facilitation, we are proud of our results and contribution to our client organization's business results.

Based on all completed workshops last year, the following are aggregated results (all workshops, clients, and all JLPA facilitators):

  • 97% of workshop participants strongly agreed or agreed that the workshop content was relevant to them, in their roles, in their organizations.  

  • 96% of workshop participants strongly agreed or agreed that the workshop was a good use of their time.

  • 96% of workshop participants strongly agreed or agreed that the facilitator was knowledgeable about the topics presented, and personable.

  • 95% of workshop participants strongly agreed or agreed that the exercises and activities supported their learning and development.

  • 93% of workshop participants strongly agreed or agreed they have greater knowledge of the topics than before the workshop.