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Posts in Workplace
10 Strategies for Managers/Leaders to Strengthen Relationships with Team Members

Our last post explored the business case and challenges associated with strengthening strong manager-employee relationships. We also identified several metrics that can provide organizations with valuable insights into the state of relationships between employers and employees within an organization. In this follow-up post, we offer leaders 10 strategies for building stronger relationships with their team members.

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How Strong Are Your Manager and Employee Relationships Really?

As one of the top 2024 HR issues, this post explores the significant challenges organizational leaders face today. We consider the business case for strong employer-employee relationships, the challenges managers face in realizing them, and ten strategies that organizational and HR leaders can leverage to measure the strength of manager-employee relationships. Plus, we highlight six organizations that are recognized for fostering positive employer-employee relationships.

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How is Generative AI Transforming Your Job and the Workplace?

In this first of two posts, we consider the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) on the workplace, with particular emphasis on jobs. In a follow-up post in this series, we’ll take a closer look at how HR is leveraging GAI broadly within the function, as well as specifically within the learning and development arena – a subject that is near and dear to our hearts at JLPA.

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How One Organization is Pursuing a More Diverse, Inclusive Workplace

According to LinkedIn’s analysis of job titles, 5 of the 25 fastest-growing roles in the U.S. since 2018 belong to HR, with Diversity and Inclusion Manager earning the number 3 spot. The growth in DE&I professionals speaks to the recognition by business leaders of the need to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce. In this post, we look at the state of DE&I initiatives and one company’s journey on this path.

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How to Resolve Workplace Conflict to Achieve Better Results

Workplace conflict is natural and arises for a variety of reasons including stress, heavy workloads, personality clashes, and egos, to name a few. As a leader, learn how to help your team productively manage disagreements by understanding the five alternative modes for handling conflict and how to use each effectively for greater team productivity and success.

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